Growing in learning, growing in character, growing community.

Key Workers

The Government are asking schools, colleges, nurseries, childminders and other registered childcare settings to remain open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children. Below is the guidance that they have issued.

If you are a key worker and need your child to attend school during the period of school closure, please fill in the questionniare below and email the school office on

I am a critical worker or have a vulnerable child - can you guarantee that my child will attend their usual educational setting school or childcare provider?

We are expecting the majority of settings to stay open for the children of critical workers and vulnerable children so they can continue to attend their usual provider, but we acknowledge this will be impossible for some - such as small rural schools.

Where a setting is unable to stay open, we will work with local authorities, regional school commissioners and neighbouring providers to find an alternative setting for their pupils.

I am a critical worker or have a vulnerable child but my child's educational setting has closed. What should I do?

Arrangements will be made in your local area to ensure that your child can still attend an educational setting. If your setting has not already informed you about those arrangements, please contact your local authority. They will be working with regional school commissioners and neighbouring providers to make alternative arrangements. You can find out your local authority by entering your postcode.

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